Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 2 Journal

It seems fitting that I am recording my weight loss in a journal entry portion of my blog that has many recipes from my first novel. I have been hungry today but I did not over-eat. I have felt sluggish due to the never ending rainy season and the grieving of those lost in the last two plane crashes. I wrote a piece about worthiness and am exploring why I am stuck in habits of excessive behavior. I over-eat, over spend and over-do. I am somewhere between being liberated from this slave-like behavior and putting boundaries on me and those who wish to keep me in that old behavior. While I am being introspective, I still want to move away from everything being about me and minister to others who are needy at this time in their life. We all have needs and we all need one another in order to have these needs met. I declare to myself right now that I have embarked on change in my life and I can not do it all by myself. I need God's strength, guidance and wisdom; I need help from other loved ones as well.
So here I am vulnerable and sort of numb, looking forward to progressing a little further on my quest tomorrow. I will tell you how I did in the next journal entry.

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